#CentsAbility Check-in

As part of the Manulife 30-Day #CentsAbility Challenge, I’ve been snapping photos of my daily efforts to save money and cut splurges for the month of October. Along with my fellow #CentsAbility challengers, I post my pictures along with a money saving tip to Instagram and Twitter (are we following each other?). Here are some of the ways I’ve saved money and lived a more “CentsAble” lifestyle since October 1st ….

October 1st: Saved $25 on Luggage Fee when flying with Porter to Blissdom Canada Conference

Saved $25 on luggage fee when flying with Porter by packing empty bag in my suitcase for conference swag

Oct 2 No Taxi Fare

Saved $80 on cab fare by taking advantage of conference perks #ChevyBliss











Oct 3 No New Dress

Saved $100 by wearing the same dress as last year to Blissdom Canada Social Media Conference 

Saved $40 on Thrift Store #ThrowbackThursday party costume

Saved $40 on Thrift Store #ThrowbackThursday party costume










Saved $25 with manicure

Saved $25 with DIY manicure

Saved $75 on cab fare by taking Go Bus to Union Station

Saved $75 on cab fare by taking Go Bus to Union Station











Will save $23 on next Via Rail trip thanks to late train claim

Will save $23 on next Via Rail trip thanks to late train claim

Saved money by biking to swimming lessons at the Y!

Saved money by biking to swimming lessons at the Y!











Saved $7 parking fee by validating stub with grocery purchase

Saved $7 parking fee by validating stub with grocery purchase

Saved money on baths & laundry by taking showers & using towel service after swiming lessons; included in our YMCA membership

Saved money on baths & laundry by taking showers & using towel service after swimming lessons; included in our YMCA membership












Saved $2 by using jar of applesauce instead of single serve cups for daycare crew

Saved $2 by using jar of applesauce instead of single serve cups for daycare crew











Saved marriage by unplugging phone for Thanksgiving weekend with family!

Saved marriage by unplugging phone for Thanksgiving weekend with family!

Saved $6 by price-matching fruit at Walmart with Flipp app

Saved $6 by price-matching fruit at Walmart with Flipp app











Saved $4 on this battery powered toothbrush by stacking coupon with clearance price #stockingstuffer

Saved $4 on this battery powered toothbrush by stacking coupon with clearance price #stockingstuffer

Saved time & money by  carving this watermelon into 11 lunchbox servings

Saved time & money by carving this watermelon into 11 servings for daycare crew & lunchboxes











Saved $10K this year by not not sending our kids to daycare.

Saved $10K this year by not not sending our kids to daycare

Saved $45 by serving DIY bugs 'n cheese from Bulk Barn when the kids requested a trip to Boston Pizza

Saved $45 by serving DIY bugs ‘n cheese from Bulk Barn when the kids requested a trip to Boston Pizza











Saved time & money by pouring leftover tea kettle over eggs for next day lunchboxes #HarnessTheHeat

Saved time & money by pouring leftover tea kettle over eggs for next day lunchboxes #HarnessTheHeat

If I add up all these savings ....

If I add up all these savings …. (ok, ok, Oct 17 post is a bit extreme. but it IS the biggest part of my Save-at-Home-Mom story!











There are still 11 days to go in the challenge and so far I’ve done well with resisting the little splurges that can really add up over the course of time. Our Hallowe’en costumes aren’t complete, and we’ll be attending a couple of Hallowe’en parties – let’s see if I can get through it all without blowing the budget! All in all, #CentsAbility has been a fun way to keep track of all the little ways we can save money, and I’ve been inspired to trim our budget even further with the creativity and savvy of the other #CentsAbility posts on Instagram and Twitter.

How do you save?

Drop a line in the comments below, or better yet, snap a photo and join in the Manulife 30-Day CentsAbility Challenge by posting your picture to Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook with the hashtag #CentsAbility!


About christaclips

Christa is a Save-at-Home-Mom who writes about money saving tips with hopes of inspiring other families who might want to keep one parent at home but aren't sure they can swing it financially. Christa left her career as a teacher trainer when it started costing her $47,000/yr to work outside the home and now works from home as a social media consultant and freelance writer. She shares her full story and money saving tips here on her blog and as co-host of the weekly #cdnmoney twitter chat on Tuesdays from 7-8pm ET. Wife, and mother of 2, Christa lives in Rockland, Ontario and loves skating & nordic skiing on the Ottawa River.

Posted on October 21, 2014, in Christa Clips and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

Throw in your two cents! (I still pick up pennies)