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October Coupon Tally – I’ve Cleared $100!

imageI’ve already used more than $100 worth of coupons this month and there are still 3 weeks to go! The savings highlight of the weekend was certainly my trip to Shoppers Drug Mart for their 18,500 Bonus Optimum Points Event.  Sending the kids and hubs to the cinema with this Entertainment Book coupon takes the silver medal, though!  You can read all about my SDM trip, tips for earning more Optimum points, and more importantly my tricks for stretching their value TWICE as far in my post on Canadian Coupons.

Here’s my coupon count so far this month:

Day 1 – 12 coupons used for $13.96 in savings (see post)

Day 2 – 13 coupons used for $62.85 in savings (see post)

Day 3 – nadda!

Day 4 – 1 coupon used for $1 in savings (see post)

Day 5 – 6 coupons used for $7 in savings (see post)

Day 6 – 7 coupons used for $14.99 in savings

Day 7 – 1 coupon used for $6 in savings

Day 8 – Happy Thanksgiving – no shopping for me today!

Month to date:  $105.80 saved by using coupons

If you’d like to see full details about the coupons I used this weekend including where they came from and where I redeemed them, check out my Coupon Tally .pdf spreadsheet (afterall, we all know how much couponers love their spreadsheets!).

Imagine a yearly average of  $3,000 in coupon savings?

Clearly I need to re-guesstimate my prediction for this month’s savings (it’s the first time I’ve ever kept tally) – I’m going to set my sights on the $250 mark.  Imagine a yearly average of  $3,000 in coupon savings?  Clipping certainly plays a big role in our  family’s Save-At-Home-Mom strategy.

October Coupon Tally: Wins 2.5 Losses 1

imageThese Glad bags were on my list, hence the reason I’d printed out the coupon (I rarely print a coupon until I’m ready to use it – there’s nothing worse than tearing up expired coupons that used increasingly costly printer ink).  So I was thrilled to see that the box was specially marked with coupons inside.  For a fleeting moment, I thought maybe there’d be a $3, $4, or even $5 coupon inside, but alas the $5 in savings are spread across 3 coupons:

  • $2 OFF selected sizes of  Glad Indoor or Outdoor Bags
  • $2 OFF selected sizes of Glad Compostable, Recycling or Clear Bags
  • $1 OFF any Glad Food Storage Product including Cling Wrap  (I’ll absolutely use this one before it expires in October of 2014!)

So I’m chaulking this purchase up as “half” a win – the let down of NOT finding a higher value coupon inside soured the savings!

Here’s how my monthly coupon usage and savings are shaping up so far:

Day 1 – 12 coupons used for $13.96 in savings

Day 2 – 13 coupons used for $62.85 in savings

Day 3 – nadda!

Day 4 – 1 coupon used for $1 in savings

Day 5 – 6 coupons used for $7 in savings

Month to date:  $84.81 saved by using coupons

You can read full scoop (and a few ramblings!) in my  October Coupon Tally.pdf file.  Drop a line if you’re looking for any of these coupons and I’ll try to help!

Happy Couponing,

Christa Clips ~ October 4, 2012

Stickin’ It To The Man!


The hydro man, that is. (Well, not our actual meter reader, he’s quite lovely). More like Stickin’ it To The Meter.

I love our Lee Valley retractable dryer racks: they hold an entire washer load each and can easily be lifted up and off with everything still clipped on if I need to move them inside before they’re dry (extra brackets are sold separately and aren’t an entire eye sore on the basement wall). So especially on bright and windy autumn days like today, I save not only money by keeping the dryer off, but I save tonnes of time as well: it takes half as long to blow dry.

Folding and putting away, sadly, remains the same!